MoveOn meeting, August 29, @ 6:30

12 Aug

Hello to all,

Based on the responses I received, it seems that Wed., Aug 29 is the best date for a meeting. So I’m going to call it: 6:30 p.m. at my house (a little early for Marilyn, a little late for Padma, but a compromise). We have a date set for an event with Larry Parham of Citizen Action, to see the film “Priceless” about campaign finance reform and have some discussion, on September 19 at the Ted Stroehble Center in Monticello. So we need to plan publicity for that.

We will have a little ice cream/frozen yogurt refreshments, coupons sent by Ben and Jerry’s as a thank you for the work we did on the resolution (part of their “get the dough out” campaign), which I just received today with a little note.

Also, please be aware that Thomas Brown is leading a very vigorous recruitment campaign for voter registration and supporters of Obama in November, and perhaps even more importantly, to build support for Julian Schreibman, the progressive Democrat who is running for 19th District and has been endorsed by Maurice Hinchey. Schreibman will have a tough fight against Chris Gibson, the Republican incumbent whose district was melded into Maurice’s district.

The OFA team will be at my house this week, Mon-Thurs, from 4:30 till about 7:30 or so, to canvass in Liberty and build as much support as possible. Anyone is welcome to join us, get out in a walk around one of Liberty’s neighborhoods, meet some of the folks here and talk about what’s important to them. My house serves as a base, and we’ll wind up with debriefing and refreshments. If you have any questions, be sure to email me, or give me a quick call (393 4895).

Thanks, and I hope I see some of you this week, and all of you on the 29th.

(Kathie Aberman)

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Posted by on August 12, 2012 in 99% Spring, Official MoveOn Sullivan


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